Lower Belly Pooch – How to Get Rid of the Lower Belly Pooch

A lower belly pooch can be frustrating because it’s a sign that you’re struggling to lose belly fat. It’s a condition that may be caused by pregnancy, heredity, and a sedentary lifestyle.

To get rid of it, you need to focus on your diet and exercise routine. Cut out sugary drinks and foods, and eat more protein and fiber to keep your bowels regular.

Diet and Exercise

A good diet and exercise can help you lower your body fat percentage and get rid of the c-section pooch Lower Belly Shapewear. Often it will take time to see results from both, but once you do, it can help prevent the pooch from returning in the future.

Everyone has some belly fat, but what we want to avoid is a higher amount of visceral fat. It’s the kind that surrounds your heart, lungs, and other vital organs and may contribute to a range of health issues, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

Getting rid of that excess belly fat isn’t possible to do through spot exercises like tons of crunches, though. You have to lose fat all over your body, and that means eating healthier foods and exercising regularly. It also means tackling any potential diastasis recti by doing abdominal exercises that strengthen your core muscles. Lastly, it means avoiding habits that cause bloating and overeating.


As you probably already know, pregnancy can cause many different changes in your body. One of the most common is the rounded belly that you get after giving birth, commonly known as the “mommy pooch.”

The reason this belly appears is because of muscle separation during pregnancy. Your abdominal muscles (the six-pack) separate and stretch to accommodate your growing uterus.

This is a normal process that’s expected to happen every time you get pregnant. However, some women’s bodies are more prone to developing this bulge than others.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to prevent this condition from occurring in the first place. These include gaining less weight during your pregnancy and engaging in core exercises daily.


Hormones are chemicals that act as messengers in the body, helping regulate many functions. Specifically, they affect the metabolism – how your body uses energy from food, the sex drive and reproductive function.

These hormones are made of either proteins or steroids and circulate in the bloodstream. They are produced by ductless glands called endocrine glands.

Steroid hormones are fat-soluble and can pass through a cell membrane to get into the cells they want to affect. Examples of steroid hormones include testosterone and estrogen.

Peptide hormones are water-soluble and cannot pass through a cell membrane. They are produced by endocrine glands, such as the pancreas. They control bodily functions, such as insulin and growth hormone.


Your genetics play a major role in determining your belly-fat levels and whether or not you’re more likely to have a lower belly pooch. Studies show that up to 70 percent of the variation in waist size from one person to another is inherited.

However, this is a relatively small percentage when compared to the dozens of genes that affect abdominal fat levels. The good news is, identifying more of these genes can help scientists devise new ways to fight stubborn body fat, according to Kira Taylor, PhD, a geneticist at the University of Louisville.

For example, research shows that you can control how much fat you store in your abdomen by controlling how your breathing works. Your diaphragm sits under your rib cage, and as you inhale this dome-like muscle flattens to push air down into your lungs. As you exhale, it recoils to gently lift the pelvic floor. This movement tendency is idiosyncratic, but it can be changed by learning to breathe correctly.