What Gender is More Accurate?

What Gender is More Accurate?

What Gender is More Accurate?

If you’re expecting, you may have asked yourself “What gender am I having?” Several options are available to answer this question, from ultrasound exams and blood tests to baking soda and old wives’ tales. Here’s what the experts say:

1. An Ultrasound Exam

The first and most obvious way to find out your baby’s gender is through an ultrasound exam. From Bump to Baby non-invasive method, typically performed in the second trimester between 18 and 22 weeks, can give you an accurate answer if done at the right time.

2. A Blood Test

One of the most common and least invasive methods to determine a child’s gender is to take a blood sample from the mother. These cell-free DNA tests can tell you whether you’re having a boy or a girl.

3. An eGenderTest

There are several companies that offer a home-based gender test. These tests are more convenient than taking the time to visit a laboratory, but the results can take up to 3 days to be reported back.

4. A Ring Hanging Over Your Belly

If you’re pregnant, you can try hanging a ring on a piece of string over your belly and watch it swing back and forth. If it swings in a circle, you’re probably carrying a boy; if it swings back and forth, you’re likely having a girl.

5. A Baking Soda Test

You’ve probably heard of this one, but it’s not as reliable as other gender-predicting methods. The idea is that if your urine is more alkaline, you’re having a boy; if it’s more acidic, you’re having a girl.