How Much Does a Close Protection Officer Earn?

If you are new to thinking about a career in the UK’s elite Close Protection Unit, you might not know just how much a close protection officer earns private security hire London. The first thing that you need to know is that close protection units are the smallest of the largest of police forces, and as such they are underfunded. This means that the jobs that you can get in this unit are few and far between, and are only available to those who have already been in the force for a while.

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Close Protection Officer Earn

However, there are still ways that you can earn more money working for the close protection force, and if you are someone who is close with the Queen or someone of royalty then you could easily be considered for one of the highly coveted officer positions. As with all police officer positions though, you will need to prove your worth in order to stand any chance of getting the job. This means that you will need to be on top of your game from day one at the close protection academy, and prove that you are worthy of the close protection officer title. Here are some of the jobs that you can expect to see officers in, and how much does a close protection officer earn for each job.

Final Words

The officer job description for close protection units actually consists of three main sections – the operations officer, the security officer and the surveillance officer. Each of these sections requires different skills and abilities, and it is important to consider which kind of officer you would like to be before applying for any of these jobs. The security officer needs to be calm and professional, able to make good judgments on the fly and understand the necessity for surveillance over a designated area. The surveillance officer must also be professional and calm, but they are also expected to understand that their job involves making life difficult for terrorists – if they ever come into contact with one of these people they are under orders to take control and take the necessary action.