Coffee Cycling Teams
Coffee Cycling teams are a great way for people to get into shape, whether they prefer to cycle or just go for a walk. Coffee cycling teams are not just for the cycling fan, as they can also be an enjoyable and educational activity for people who don’t cycle or who have only seen the bicycles on television.
Coffee Cycling Teams
These teams usually consist of people who like to cycle and socialize with others who do. These groups typically meet at an area park for a pre-planned time that is convenient for everyone involved.

Coffee Cycle events happen in several locations across the United States. In Seattle, Washington there is a team that meets twice weekly at coffee shops around the area fundraiser coffee for sports. The group meets at the Starbucks on Capitol Hill where they drink their first cup of coffee in the morning and then continue with a second coffee at 11 am.
After this second coffee, the team rides to their second coffee house, where the cyclists go for another ride around the block and then go home. This team rides end-to-end each day for a month until they get tired and have a break.
Another popular coffee cycling event takes place in Ann Arbor, Michigan. There are several different types of groups meeting at the Big Ten Bicycles restaurant. Cyclists often visit this restaurant when they are done with their bike rides and enjoy their post-ride meal. The restaurant offers $5 off purchases of food and drinks for people who join the coffee bike group. Once a month, riders go back to the restaurant and eat free of charge while enjoying their meal.
Bike Week in the UK sees a group that meets up nightly to discuss the state of bike travel throughout the country. The meetings are advertised on the Internet and people who live in the UK are notified via email. They include information on meetings, where the meetings are held, how to subscribe to the mailing list, and any information about upcoming rides. It’s a fun way for bikers from all over the UK to meet in one place to talk about the latest trends in bike travel and promote awareness of British Cycling.
In Italy, there is a popular biking group that meets every Wednesday night. This group meets in an Italian restaurant as well as a local pub. Coffee is served at the pub after the Velobic activities conclude. Throughout the week, people get together for dinner, discussions about the weekend’s activities, and where the next Velobic event will be held. People in the group enjoy talking about the many different styles of road bikes and what is missing from their riding to make their ride more enjoyable.
Many of the countries most scenic and interesting towns can be found in northern Italy. The best part about riding in these areas is that you can stop along the way for a nice cup of coffee or a meal. The town of Bologna plays host to the Velodrome di Bologna each year during the summer.
This outdoor velodrome is a favorite among bikers from all over the world. For cyclists and non-cyclists alike, it provides a beautiful view of the countryside surrounding the town. This is just a small sampling of places where a coffee cycle may be visiting while on a bicycle tour.